Bride Blogger Molly // Including Your Groom in Wedding Planning


I hear it all the time, “My husband didn’t want anything to do with the wedding planning so I did it all myself.” I understand that’s the mentality of some men - but I feel like it’s really important to share the process when it comes to certain decisions. After all, it’s a day to commemorate both of you, so his personality needs to shine just as much as yours does. Of course he will probably say, “Do what you want, babe.” That’s your opportunity to say, “I want your opinions to be as valued as mine.”

Find a simplified monthly checklist and go over it with him right away. Many guys do not realize what exactly is involved in the planning process. He’ll be shocked at first to find out how much there is to do and how much money it takes, but with a heads up - he’ll probably be more likely to ask what he can do to be a part of it!

These are some of the responsibilities your man will take pride in:

  1. Choosing his outfit
  2. Picking his groomsmen
  3. Writing his guest list
  4. Selecting his wedding ring
  5. Deciding what meals to serve
  6. Designing a creative grooms cake
  7. Choosing dance music

Schedule special wedding-planning dates and check things off the list while you go grab coffee, have dinner or grab a drink at a wine bar. Make it all light-hearted and fun for each other and the checklist will be completed in no time!

image sources: one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight