NWD do-it-yourself , Customized Bud Vases



Winter 14 DIY - Bud Vase Intro UPDATED


This simple DIY project is showcased in our Winter Floral spread seen in our current Winter 2014 Issue, out on newsstands now. We'll show you how you can complete this simple project and have your own customized bud vases!


Winter 14 DIY - Supplies


Using a few supplies from your local craft stores, you will have everything you need to make these customized bud vases! Your shopping list should include: tape, scissors, spray paint, standard sheets of paper and glass vases.


Winter 14 DIY - Print USE


Print the sleeves on a standard sheet of paper - feel free to mix and match fonts, styles and sizes. By using your favorite quotes and phrases, you can personalize this wedding decor to your individual style.


Winter 14 DIY - Paint USE


Spray paint the glass vases with your color of choice, and allow them to dry completely. We opted for a black and white color scheme to accent our red and pink flowers. Painting the vases white allowed them to serve as a neutral background for the paper sleeves. The bottom and top rim will remain exposed, so we spray painted those areas with black - which acts as the accent color to coordinate with our color scheme. This project can be tailored to fit your specific wedding style by simply purchasing the paint colors of your choice that coordinate with your own wedding colors!


Winter 14 DIY - Tape + wrap USE


Next, trim the paper to the desired size, depending on how much of the vase you want to show. Tape one end of the paper to the vase to secure the sleeve. To cover the vase entirely, wrap the remainder of the sleeve all the way around the vase and tape once more. Once the vase is covered and the sleeve is secured, you are done!


Winter 14 DIY - Bud Vases Final


Check in with us next week for our next post in the Winter DIY series - place setting cards! Don't forget to check out the entire Winter Floral spread by picking up your very own copy our Winter 2014 Issue!

Click here to find out more!